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Glass Packages

Glass Bottles  Per Box  Boxs Qty / 20 FT continer Boxs Qty / 40 FT continer
250ML 24 1250 2400
500ML 12 1500 2600
750ML 12 800 1575
01 Liter 12 750 1400
03 Liter 4 850 1885

Plastic Packages

Plastic Bottles  Per Box  Boxs Qty / 20 FT continer Boxs Qty / 40 FT continer
175ML 20 3500 7200
250ML 24 2000 4200
500ML 12 2000 4200
01 Liter 12 900 1890
02 Liter  8 1500 3150
03 Liter 4 900 1680
04 Liter 4 900 1785
05 Liter 5 1400 2600

Tin Packages

Metal Bottles  Per Box  Boxs Qty / 20 FT continer  Boxs Qty / 40 FT continer
175ML 20 3000 7500
02 Liter 8 800 1512
04 Liter 4 800 1512
05 Liter 4 800 1365
10 Liter 1 1250 2600
16 Liter 1 800 1680

Bulk Container

Bulk Container Capatitance 20 ft container  40 ft container
IBC plastic tank 930 KG IBC tank 20 IBC tank 27
Flex Balloon 17 ton 1 container 1 container
Flex Balloon 18 ton 1 container 1 container
Flex Balloon 21 ton 1 container 1 container